I’m a UX/UI designer and digital marketer looking to make the world a more aesthetic and inclusive place.

I attended New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering and majored in a B.S. in Integrated Design and Media. The major is like a mix of STEM + art, as I learned computer science, 3D modeling/animation, motion graphics, UX/UI, game design, narrative design, and AV editing.

I had experience working in marketing, social media, and content creation throughout undergrad, and upon graduating, fell in love with designing in Figma! Based upon my marketing experience, I feel like I have a lot of skills that are transferrable from that, which I can use in a product designer position.

When I’m not working, I love to draw, play games, watch anime and read, which I find give me an immense amount of inspiration for my projects! :)

⚙️ Software:

Figma, Adobe Suite, Canva, Blender 3D, Unity, Gamemaker

🛠️ Tools:

Hubspot, Later, Planoly, Meta Business Suite, Google Suite

💻 Coding Languages:

HTML, CSS, Python

🎨 Skills:

UI Design, UX Research, Digital Marketing, Paid Ads, Social Media, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling, Animation, Copywriting, Game Design

🎓 Education:

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering 2020-2024, B.S. Integrated Design and Media

Google 2024, Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

⭐ Certifications:

Social Media Marketing - HubSpot 2023 

Content Marketing - HubSpot 2023

Google Analytics for Beginners - Google 2023  

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing - Google 2022 

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 - Adobe 2019

Teaching English as a Foreign Language - TEFL.org 2021

Some of My Favorites:

🍜 Food: Ramen

🎮 Games: Persona 5, Final Fantasy, Overwatch, Genshin Impact

🖥️ Console or PC: Both!

🍕 NYC Pizza: 99 Cent Pizza!